Unfortunately I
was a little late, so I missed the beginning of the introduction. But the first thing that I heard was
that the opening prayer was going to be given by a Young Woman who was a brand
new Beehive! Oh my goodness, that
made my smile so big. Then while
introducing the choir, Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson (the Young Women General
President, who was conducting the meeting) said that the choir consisted of
girls and women ages 8-80 years old!
It was at this point that I realized the meeting was not simply adult
participants with child attendees; both adults and children were attending and participating.
Sister Rosemary M. Wixom (Primary General
President). Sister Wixom spoke first, and the first
thing she did was have all girls ages 8-11 in the Conference Center and
watching in their Stake Centers (my mom and I were watching at her Stake
Center) via broadcast to stand up.
She personally welcomed all of them to the meeting, and then invited
them to sing the first verse of “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” with her. Then she invited the rest of the women
to sing the second verse. I
thought that this was a really great way to start off the meeting. It welcomed the younger girls, and
helped connect all of the women of all ages.
To me, Sister
Wixom’s talk focused on keeping covenants, and here are some quotes that were
important to me:
are covenant making women of all ages… keeping covenants empowers us.”
talked about how our journey is personal, that understanding our covenants will
change our lives, and that we should use our baptismal covenants and the
sacrament to look to the temple.
you get on the straight and narrow…press forward.”
We then watched
a video of women and children from 8 different countries singing “I Am A Child
Of God” in 9 different languages. Then the congregation sang the first verse together. It was so beautiful!
Bonnie L. Oscarson (Young Women General
President). Sister Oscarson began by talking about
how this meeting is going to be important in the history of the Church. She said that this meeting is the “most
faith filled…assemblies of women in the history of the church,” and then added
that probably in the history of the world as well. She said that we are sisters to each other, and that as
sisters we have an “unbreakable bond” that allows us to “take care of “ and
“comfort each other.”
To me, Sister
Oscarson’s talk focused on the unity and bond that LDS women need to have with
each other; and here are some quotes that were important to me:
just need to relax and rejoice in our differences.”
really and truly need each other.” – With this she talked about influencing the
younger generations, and how the younger generations can also teach the older
gave examples of how Relief Society sisters can welcome the new 18 year old in:
“a friend to sit next to, an arm around their shoulders, an opportunity to
teach and serve.”
quoted Sister Hinckley, “women need women.”
that we should “work hand in hand with righteous brothers.”
We then watched
a video that to me highlighted women and the temple. What stuck out to me were women of all ages doing their
daily things, signing their temple recommends in the Bishop’s office, and then
going to the temple. It was that
emphasis on the temple that stuck with me.
Linda K. Burton (Relief Society General
President). Sister Burton reminded us that we are
daughters of God. She asked, “What
can we do to live with Heavenly Father?”
And using the answers that Jesus gave to those who asked him, she told
us: to keep the commandments – all of the them, to lay aside the things of the
world, and to follow Christ.
Essentially we are to become perfect, which can be stressful. She said that the Greek word found in
the scriptures that has been translated as perfect, also means complete. So doing these things makes us
complete; but we also need help, and help comes from the atonement, the Holy
Ghost and other brothers and sisters.
To me, Sister
Burton’s talk focused on becoming a disciple of Christ, and here are some
quotes that were important to me:
Mormon, “I am a disciple of Christ, and a [son/daughter] of God.”
Wanted! Disciples of Christ.”
thoughts, words and actions should say, “Here am I, send me.”
does not matter if we are not perfect or complete.”
President Henry B. Eyring (First
Counselor of the First Presidency).
Two or three
sentences in President Eyring said, “This is a historic meeting.” Yes it is! It felt like such a blessing to be able to attend this. I wrote down notes and my thoughts in
my journal while listening to the speakers. Years down the road, when this meeting is a normal part of
Conference, I can look back and read what I wrote about the first one! President Eyring talked about how his
mother helped him prepare for his baptism. And it made me think back to how my mom helped me to prepare
for my baptism (for the full story you can read my first post titled “ChelseyOrtega: LDS, Woman, Dancer, Book Worm, Student Wife Mother”)
To me, President
Eyring wrapped up what the first three speakers talked about, and he ended with
discussing Eve and her important role in the Plan of Salvation. Here are some quotes that were
important to me:
of you is a daughter in the covenant.”
have been blessed…to find the way… and to be surrounded by others who can
are more alike as daughters of God, than you are different.”
missionaries have become ever more powerful proselytizers and nurturing
also talked a lot about Eve as someone who helped her family press forward and
live faithfully. He said that we
can and should be like her and use her as an example. I loved it.
This was such a
special meeting to me. I could
feel the spirit when I walked into the chapel, and I can feel it again now as I
am typing this. This truly was a
historic meeting. I felt like the
theme of the entire meeting was to bring us women together in unity; which is
why all of us were brought into one meeting instead of our separate ones like
in the past. We were told that we
are sisters; that we can teach one another and we can learn from one
another. I feel like the women of
the Church are so strong and so loved.
I am looking forward to attending this meeting every six months, and I
can’t wait to hear the other talks in General Conference next week.
Obviously there
was a lot more said than what I put into this post. What I highlighted was simply what stuck out to me upon
hearing it and reflecting on it. I
can’t wait to read these talks in next month’s issue of the Ensign, and I am
looking forward to learning more and gaining a new or different understanding
when I read them.
If you want to point out something from this meeting that was important to you, feel free to put your thoughts in the comments. If you don’t want to share them, then at least write them in your journal so that you can always remember your feelings about this day. If you didn’t attend, then I invite you to listen to or read the talks on lds.org or when the Ensign comes out next month. I believe that those who spoke in this meeting were inspired by God to say the things that they said. The spirit was with them and I could feel it with me. Whether you listened to the talks, or read them, I hope you can feel the spirit too; and know that God loves you.
If you want to point out something from this meeting that was important to you, feel free to put your thoughts in the comments. If you don’t want to share them, then at least write them in your journal so that you can always remember your feelings about this day. If you didn’t attend, then I invite you to listen to or read the talks on lds.org or when the Ensign comes out next month. I believe that those who spoke in this meeting were inspired by God to say the things that they said. The spirit was with them and I could feel it with me. Whether you listened to the talks, or read them, I hope you can feel the spirit too; and know that God loves you.