Sunday, September 16, 2018

Luna's My Little Pony Party

A couple of weeks ago, Luna turned 3 years old! She has developed so much. She can hold an actual conversation, she knows the alphabet, she can count to 20, she knows colors. She has such a cute imagination and she is quite the gymnast!

On Luna's actual birthday, we went out to dinner as a family and she opened her gifts from us that night.

We threw a friend party for Luna on the weekend that was My Little Pony themed. I made pony tails out of ribbon in the colors of the 6 main ponies for the kids to wear. Luna picked Pinky Pie and Benjamin picked Rainbow Dash.

The opening activity was a blank pony that the kids colored in.

Once all of the guests had arrived and colored their ponies, we moved on to Pin the Tail on Rainbow Dash. One kid got super close, and the rest landed somewhere in the middle.

After that, it was time for the piñata. A Pinky Pie piñata of course. We lined up the kids by age after Luna, and the 4th kid knocked the head off! So we had to tie it back together so everyone could have a turn.

We finished the party with presents and cake. Luna loves all of her presents and places all of them either right by her bed or on the headboard for nap time and bedtime.

It was so fun to see all the neighborhood kids playing together and having fun. It was nostalgic for me because it reminded me of the birthday parties in the apartment complex I lived in before my parents bought a house. Especially this photo.

I'm so grateful my kids have such good friends.